The Improv Conspiracy Theatre quickly became my second home, and I owe much of who I am today to it. Aww! Here's a non-exhaustive list of every TIC-related thing I've been involved with:
Completely Improvised Survivor: performed as part of Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Melbourne Fringe 2022.
The Remix: Performing the Armando format weekly with guest storytellers such as Peter Hitchener and Broden Kelly since 2018. Performed as part of Adelaide Fringe in 2023.
House Sketch: Writing and performing monthly sketch shows with Goin' Steady (2018-20), and currently as part of CHURN.
Harold Night: Performed the Harold format weekly as part of Crown Boy (2016), Juicy Husband (2016-17), Milk! (2017), Cousins (2017-18) and Chef (2019-20).
Teaching: Instructing various levels of TIC's longform improvisation and sketch comedy workshops.
Coaching: Coached the Harold format to various house teams including Cluck Cluck Surf's Up (2018) and Daft Shaft (2019).
Producing: Staged and performed in a number of improv shows including TICFLIX (Improvised Gilmore Girls, Improvised Jane Austen, Improvised Step Up and Improvised Documentary) (2019) and The Outliers (2016-18).